((((((Swan)))))) Sorry you feel like this
I don't know about it being normal or usual..but perhaps it's they way some peopel feel when they get really low.
I always feel 'too big' when I get really bad.I also have a very strong feeling of not wanting people to look at me.
I think that not eating makes me feel 'smaller', less significant and more able to view life from afar-almost as though I want to observe and not interact.
For me it's a feeling that comes and goes- was coming out of it- but since acident am slipping back-but I am aware of it and have lucid moments too...I think you should try to eat something-my brother had very bad anorexia when he was younger- and nearly died-and that all started from a feeling of wanting to 'disappear'- so it always makes me feel I have to watch myself.
I also feel like this if i'm rejected -has someone left your life recently?
I hope you feel a little more with it soon-could you perhaps talk to someone professional about the way you feel-knowing why can help sometimes..
lots of love to you ((((termite)))) xxxxxx